Search Results
Webinar Panel Discussion- Moving Forward in the COVID-19 Era: Reflections for Canadian Education
Webinar: Learning our Way out of the Pandemic: Beyond “back to normal” for students
UI COVID-19 webinar: 3. Canada's response to COVID-19
The Covid-19 Pivot: An opportunity to re-evaluate high value care and clinical preventive services.
Strengthening Resilience, Leadership, and Well-Being During and After COVID-19
Webinar on Social Isolation and Loneliness at the End of Life in the Era of COVID-19
Vision Webinar - Panel Discussion - March 28, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccines webinar
ASHRAE Toronto June Webinar Panel - How Does COVID-19 Impact Future Building Operation and Design?
Webinar on Education during COVID: Way forward
Webinar Health in All Policies in times of COVID19: What roles for the health sector moving forward?
Webinar: COVID-19 vaccine development: An update (29 September 2020)